Window tinting is common with vehicles today. Pennsylvania has laws in the vehicle code that determine what is legal and what is not legal for window tinting. The vehicle code states “no person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sun screening device or other material which does not permit a person to see or view the inside through the windshield, side wing, or side window of the vehicle.”  This begs the question, what is too dark to permit a person to see or view the inside of the vehicle? For that, we turn to PennDot, who mandated that 70% of the light contacting the window from the outside of the vehicle must be able to penetrate into the vehicle.


There are a few exceptions to the law. Most of the exceptions are for specific vehicles, such as

  • Hearse
  • Ambulance
  • Government Vehicles

However, there are ways for the general public to have windows tinted past the 70% mark. The first exception is if the vehicle came equipped with tinted windows from the manufacturer. The second exception is to have a certification of exception for medical reasons. This certification must be determined by the Department of Transportation. The medical certification covers vehicles that the person with the medical condition drives or commonly rides in. The tint on the vehicle does not transfer if the vehicle is sold, so the tint must be removed prior to transferring the title.


In 1996, PennDOT eliminated the requirement for window tinting to be checked during state vehicle inspections. However, local and state law enforcement can still enforce this vehicle code while on patrol. If a driver is pulled over by law enforcement, a tint meter may be used to see how much light is penetrating the window. A fine may be issued if the meter reads less then 70%. In most cases, the ticket will be dismissed if the owner of the vehicle removes the tint or replaces the tint that meets legal requirements. It is also possible to take the vehicle to a tint specialist to ensure the tint meets the requirement. If the tint is in the range of the legal requirement but differs from the police citation, the owner may be able to beat the ticket in court.

Here at the Law Office of Vincent J. Caputo, we are dedicated to our clients. If you or a loved one has been cited for window tinting or another vehicle code violations that is not against the law, call our experienced legal team for a free consultation. Your future? Our priority!